Sunday, August 2, 2009


Finally, finally, FINALLY, we have a library card that is worth something. Sadly, we live in a suburb. Not a great one. Don't get me wrong, I love our house, just not the location. However, we have had to buy library memberships because we were not in a municipality which supported our area. $45 or so a year. For a library that was just ok. And then our area got incorporated into another town, giving us a free library membership to their library. I was excited until we went there and realized that I own more books than that library does. Ok, I am exaggerating. But not by much.

Last week our neighbor told us that there is something called a TEXSHARE card, which allows people to borrow books outside their city limits. We got one, then went on Saturday to the closest Austin library. It turns out that we didn't even need the card! We could just get an Austin library card even though we don't live within the city limits! Apparently the laws had changed(before when we had checked it out, the price to get an out of city card was pretty high). And the library was AWESOME. There were actual books there. From this century. For my kids (and for me)!! They have a whole aisle just for youth nonfiction. My worries about finding homeschooling materials have evaporated. I cannot say how excited I am. And did I mention all this is FREE?!

AND, it gets better. A new very cool used bookstore just opened near our house. Near enough to ride our bikes there. It is super family friendly, with a whole children's area, toys, craft projects, etc. All books are super cheap. This is the best book weekend EVER!!!!

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