Tuesday, August 18, 2009


We got to see WICKED this weekend, and it was awesome. If I had two lives to live, I would have gone to New York at 18 and tried to make it on Broadway. Musical theater is my passion, and I live for the times that Broadway Across America sends awesome shows our way. This year due to financial woes, we had to give up our season tickets, but we did get tickets to see Wicked. We got seats that were further back, not so great, but hey, who is complaining?! If you are in the theater, then that's good enough for me. Then a couple of weeks ago, we got a call saying they had added seats and we were on the list for a free upgrade. Did we want them? We said, sure, not really knowing what we were saying yes to, but hey, the word "upgrade" sounds good, right?

It turns out "upgrade" meant we were in the FRONT ROW. Looking up at the stage and able to see down into the pit. It was awesome. Sure, there were times that actors were so close to us that they blocked our view of other actors. Gee, what a complaint to have! I especially liked feeling like an insider when I caught 2 characters playing thumbsies 6 feet away from me as they were in a frozen position while something else was happening across the stage.

The show was FABULOUS and was nothing like the book. In this case, since the book is only mediocre, that was a good thing. Sadly, the main character was an understudy, and although she had a beautiful voice, she didn't have stamina... by the second act, you couldn't hear her anymore and only knew she was singing at times because her mouth was moving. Very disappointing since this show is all about her voice and close harmonies. Ah well, they can't all be Idena Menzel....

(A HUGE thank you to the best darned god parents in the whole wide world for watching the munchkins... get it? Munchkins?! OK, look me in the OZ and tell me you don't love these puns.)

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