Monday, May 12, 2008

Its late and I should be in bed. Tonight I went to work, and the baby cried most of the time I was gone. I don't know how other people do it, this whole leaving the baby for hours thing. Three hours felt like a lifetime to me. I enjoy my work, but the guilt I feel when she has a bad night makes leaving seem selfish and it hardly seems worth it. My partner has such a hard job, taking care of the baby who clearly wants to just be with me most of the time. I can 't imagine how horrible that feels.

To top it off my son has nightmares that make him scared to sleep. So there he was, staying up and getting more and more wound from trying to stay awake at all costs. Once he fesses up to what the nightmares are about, it will get better, but we are looking at a possible 2-3 weeks of these bedtime shenanigans. Oh joy.

At one point, he asked my partner if she was upset, which she clearly was, after an hour of screaming baby plus insane 4 year old. She said that she was, and asked if he knew why. He paused, and answered, "Well, cause the baby is crying..."

"Yes," my partner replied.

He was still thinking.... "And cause I badgered you?"


"And badgered you?"


"And badgered you?"


"And badgered you?"


"And badgered you?"


"And then badgered you some more?"

Ahh, kids. Just when you want to go jump off a bridge just to get away at any cost, they go and be cute. I am sure its a survival instinct.

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