Monday, July 27, 2009

The Dangers of Having a Blackberry and Reeducating my BRAIN

My off again on again work at home job decided they needed me to be in constant contact (for the rare times they actually need me... it is getting very off again... again.) so they got me a Blackberry. What does this mean? It means I never turn on my computer. I check and write email, I read blogs, I surf the net (much less often because it is in miniature). Pretty much the only thing I can't do easily on it is blog. Which is probably why I got a sweetly worded note from Blogher mentioning that I haven't blogged in over 2 weeks. oops. Has it really been that long?! Where was I?

So here I am, once more committed to giving myself a little time to explore the contents of my brain for the public purview.

In my quest for homeschooling, I am still at the apparently normal evolution where my tendency is to recreate school at home. I am fighting it, and little by little I am remembering how BORING school was, how unhappy I was so much of the time, and how hard I worked just to get along in a social environment what wasn't for me. Since we are playing at this for kindergarten and don't have any "rules" at all, we will spend this year learning how Pablo can best motivate himself. I have decided to have Pablo set some weekly goals (yes, I know that isn't SELF motivated. I just said I am WORKING ON LETTING TRADITIONAL SCHOOLING GO, ok?) We got a little white board and talked about doing workbook pages, reading books, doing art, etc and figured out how much of each he wanted to set a goal to do in a week. FYI, in case you are having rigors that the word "workbook," Pablo begs to do them. He LOVES his workbooks and sometimes goes to sleep with them. To him, getting to do workbooks is living the high life.

For now, I have gotten some Brain Quest workbooks and some other general workbooks while we figure out his grade level(s). I am way too overwhelmed to actually pick a cohesive curriculum. So for now, we play at doing school.

I hope it always feels this much like play! When it starts being WORK, I will know we aren't doing something right.

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