Thursday, August 20, 2009


Someone please tell me how to dedicate 100% of my time to both children at once? They are into such different things, due to their ages. When I get Pablo started on something, he is immediately distracted when I try to keep the baby out of his way. They both want the attention, and I can't really give either one all of me.

I remember in the old days, not really that long ago, when I thought I should get "me time" every day. HA. Now only playing with one kiddo at a time feels like down time. HA. I'm not even getting to read books. Even just a few weeks ago I had time to read around 1000 pages a week. No problem. Now it seems like every moment is completely full. The baby is generally up till 11, and Pablo is up by 6. Argh. Down time? I am not even getting any sleep.

And did I mention the baby is starting to have nightmares? Right on schedule, just like Pablo, around 18 months the bad nightmares began. Oh yeah. Good times.

In the meantime I am breathing. It is all I can do. Just to consider each mindful breath a time for me is all I can do. At least today.

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